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Week 5 Forum - Find an article from a website_ choose one of two topics

Week 5 Forum - Find an article from a website_ choose one of two topics

Q Find one or more recent article(s) from a reliable website or from a resource found in the APUS Library that discusses one of the following topics; summarize the article and elaborate on the topic: 1. What current and emerging technologies are we using to study black holes? 2. Briefly describe the observatories being used to find and study gravitational waves, discuss two recent discoveries by one or more of the observatories and provide information about current and planned upgrades and advances in the technology. To receive full credit for the post, make sure you respond to at least two of your classmates (one classmate if the total number of students is four or less). Your initial post should be at least 200 words.

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According to O’Brien et al. (2019), gravitational wave detectors are one of the most current technologies with the help of which black holes can be studied. This is because there can be the accurate measurement of gravitational wave signals sent by the black holes. There are also harmonic modes which are diverse in categories and these modes are present in the gravitational wave signals (O’Brien et al. 2019). The general relativity is the measure which is required to be obtained so that there can be accurate relativity shown. Otherwise, there cannot be a concrete correlation established between the binary black hole events and the gravitational wave signals sent by the diverse harmonic modes.